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Most Wanted Facebook Tricks Ever that You Don’t Know Yet !

                    Facebook, being world’s largest Social Network, is also a place to discover new interesting things, friends, brands etc. While staying inside Facebook, you can search outer Web, Get 
Latest News, join competitions, do chatting, video calling and a lot more interesting things.

For simple guys, Facebook is mere a network to do full time gossiping, exploring but for Techies, it is also a place to do a lot of experiments, tricks and amaze the friends connected with them.

1. Make Facebook Status Update Blue

Whenever you post any status update on your Facebook Wall, Facebook Groups, Fanpages, you always find the color of Status update is ‘black’ and there is not any other option to customize them.
But using this code, you can make your Status Blue.
@@[1:[0:1: your status update goes here ]]
Just replace “your status update goes here” with the status you want to put.

2. Using Profile Pic Emoticons in Facebook Chatbox

This is not actually a trick but a feature introduced by Facebook in 2011 that lets you to use Fanpage/Profile’s Display Pic as emoticon in Facebook chat but using Username/ Numeric ID as [[username]].
For e.g., To use TechGYD Fanpage Profile Pic as emoticon, use [[techgyd]] or [[133278376826827]].
Here are some great rage faces:
  • Not bad Obama: [[169919399735055]]
  • Me G usta: [[211782832186415]]
  • Forever Alone: [[177903015598419]]
  • F yeah: [[105387672833401]]
  • Poker face: [[129627277060203]]
  • Okay face: [[224812970902314]]

3. Make your Display/Profile  Pic “Un-clickable”

Many people don’t want others to click there profile pic and view enlarged version of it. So, if you also want to make your profile pic un-clickable, just follow these steps:
Step 1: From your timeline, navigate to Photos -> Albums -> Profile Pictures.
Step 2: Select your current profile pic and set its privacy to “Only Me” from default “Public”. That’s All.

4. Download Facebook Photo Album

Do you want to download you ever uploaded photo album, you friend’s, your group’s album in a bulk? So here is a free Firefox Add-on available that lets you to download photo albums from your, your friend’s profile and group in just a single click. Download FacePAD: Facebook Photo Album Downloader

5. Schedule Future Posts on Profile and Fanpages

This trick is very important for Internet marketers, Bloggers, Online Firms etc. You can Schedule Future Post for any Status Update on you Facebook Profile as well as Fanpages by using BufferApp FOR FREE.
Not only for your Facebook Profile, BufferApp also lets you to schedule posts for Multiple Facebook Accounts, Fanpages, Twitter Handlers and LinkedIn profiles.

6. Hide Your Status Updates from Some Specific Friends

Many times we want some friends, relatives from our Facebook Friend list will not see our activity, status updates on Facebook. So you can hide your status updates from some people of your list by clicking on Gear icon at the top-right corner of Facebook and navigating to Privacy Setting.
Custom Privacy Settings
Custom Privacy Settings
Now, Set Who can see my future posts? to “Custom”. A pop-up box will appear that will let you to hide your status updates from some friends.

7. Premium Facebook

We all know, Facebook uses Advertisements (too much) to generate money but , these advertisements are too much  annoying. They always remain stick to their webpages. So, if you want to remove those Facebook advertisements then Facebook: Cleaner (Greasymonkey script) is available for you.
Just install the script to your browser and it will hide sponsored and annoying ad sections from Facebook.

8. Post Blank Status Update

Facebook doesn’t allow you to post blank status update. If you want, you need to put at least an punctuation mark like comma, dot, etc. But here is an trick that lets you to  post blank status update:
Just type 
@[0:0: ]
 in status box and hit Enter and its done :D. You can use any number in the code like @[1:1: ], @[7:7: ] and make your blank status as long as you canby pressing enter key after each code.

9. Confuse Your Friends

Put this URL on Facebook Status or Comment, this is actually link to ones Facebook Profile so whenever someone will click on this link, he/she will get redirected to own’s Facebook profile. I used this trick this way:
“This person is most weird friend of my Facebook Profile. God! Please Protect Me from him –>>″
It’s the best way to confuse a friend ;-)

10. Enjoy Full Facebook Access without Internet

We all know that we can reply on comments, put status updates by Activating Facebook Messaging. It uses your messages and you’ll not be charged but if you want to do a lot more things like accessing your friends wall, like any status, post on someone’s wall adding friend etc etc, you can use FoneTwish.
Just Dial : *325#
Exploring Full Facebook without Internet
Exploring Full Facebook without Internet
Though these features comes under their paid subscription plan but it doesn’t mean you need to pay high. Its subscription fee is as low as Re. 1 in India.

11. Post Upside-Down Status Updates

Do you want to post your simple status update in surprising upside-down way? If so, use FlipText. This website lets you to post status update in upside-down way. Just enter your original update on first box, it will automatically change to upside-down way in second box.
Upside Down Status Update
Upside Down Status Update
Just copy that Status update and post in your Facebook Wall :-)

12. Use Facebook Toolbar in Your Browser

Visiting Facebook every time to update status, view notification, Poke Friends, View/Accept Friend Request etc can be a bit tedious task. So if you want to do almost anything on Facebook without visiting it, use Mozilla’s Facebook Toolbar Add-on.
Facebook Toolbar Mozilla Add-on

13. Stay Offline for some friends

However, it is a very common Facebook Trick but many people don’t know it yet. You can make you Offline for some selected friends or everyone on Facebook while exploring Facebook.
Facebook Advance Chat Settngs
Advance Chat Setting
On the Chat Sidebar, click on Gear (option) icon. Selecting ‘Turn Off Chat’ will make you offline for all available friends in your profile. You can click on “Advanced Settings…” to turn on off chat for some specific friends.

14. Change Language of your Facebook Profile

By going to Facebook’s Account Setting, you can change language of your Facebook profile and amaze your friends. There are a lot of different language available with some funny too.
Change Facebook Profiel Language
Change Facebook Profile Language
You can even set English(Upside-Down) to make your profile a bit interesting and confusing.

15. Using Special (ASCII) Characters on Facebook

Do you want to decorate your Status Update with some very stylish symbols? Well, Visit This Page. The page lets you to put New Facebook Text ASCII Art Icons in your Status, Comments, Chat etc.
Facebook Ascii Art Icons
Facebook Ascii Art Icons
Just copy any one and use it. :-)

16. Change Facebook Theme Color

Mark Zuckerberg created Facebook in Blue color. Right? Do you know why it is blue? because Mark Zuckerberg is color blind and can only see Blue color. So if you get bored of using Blue Facebook then you can change its color according to your choice. :-D
Change Facebook Theme Color
Change Facebook Theme Color
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Just install and activate “Change My Facebook Color” Chrome Extension.
Step 2: Go to Chrome’s Setting > Appearance and Tick ‘Always Show Bookmark Toolbar’.
Step 3: Click on Change My Facebook Color Extension Icon on the Top-Right Side.
Step 4: Set Background and Foreground color. Drag Arrow Icon to Bookmark Toolbar.
Step 5: Visit Facebook and Press the Button that you just added using the extension.
Enjoy exploring Facebook in your own color ! :-D

17. Customize Facebook in your own Way

You can fully customize Facebook by using Fabulous Chrome Extension. The extension lets you Customize your Facebook, Block ads, change colors, zoom photos and a lot more things more.
Customize Your Facebook, Your Own Way
Customize Your Facebook, Your Own Way

18. Ghost/Fake Wall Post Prank

Do you want your status update will get like and comments from famous personalities like Barack Obama, Justin Bieber, Mark Zuckerberg etc ? Or Michael Jackson Share Your Website Link from Heaven?
So, Just Go to The Wall Machine and Login with Facebook. Now you create your own status, Likers, Commentors of Status Updates in your own way. Check out the example :
Facebook Ghost Prank
Facebook Ghost Prank

19. Watch Live Streaming

Now, you can watch live TV on Facebook by TV Dream App. You can watch numerous International Channels including Sports, News, Movies, Kids, etc Free Of Cost.  I generally user this app to watch cricket match while chatting my friends.

20. Post Multiple Facebook Groups At Once

Many times when you want to promote a product, inviting members on different Facebook Groups in an event, article etc, then its really tough to visit each and every group and post the invitation. So, MultiPost lets you to post multiple Facebook Groups at once. You can set Title, Description, Images etc and customize you status at best level.

21. Get Notified When Someone Unfriend You

To get the notification when someone unfriend you, download unfriend alert chrome extension and activate it. It will add an additional Unfriends Tab on Facebook so whenever someone unfriend you, you’ll get notified. This tab will also notify you about pending friend requests.
New Additional Unfriends Tab on your Facebook Profile
New Additional Unfriends Tab on your Facebook Profile

22. Enlarge Un-Clickable Profile Pics
This is counter trick of #4 Trick that I shared above. As un-clickable profile pics can’t be enlarged by clicking them so use these steps to enlarge them:
Step 1: Right Click the image. From context menu, select ‘Open Image In New Tab’ .
Enlarge Private Image
Enlarge Private Image
Step 2: In address Bar URL of the image, remove s160x160/ and hit Enter. The image will appear in its original size.

23. Tag 50+ People from Desktop/Laptop

As you all know, from PC, you can tag at most 50 People in your picture and status. However, Mobile Users can even tag more than 70. So, if you want to tag more than 50 people on your status, uploaded photo from Desktop/Laptop, follow these steps:
Step 1: Download Opera Mobile Emulator
Step 2: Launch Mobile Emulator, Select a Mobile/Tablet Model.
Step 3: Browse Facebook from Opera Mobile Emulator.
Now, as here, you are browsing Facebook Mobile and in Mobile User-Agent So you can Tag more than 50 people in your status update, picture, Cheers :-D

24. Make Creative Timeline Covers
Do you want to create creative timeline cover for your facebook profile, as like the below one?
creative timeline covers
Follow these steps:
Step 1: Visit Tricked Out Timeline
Step 2: Select a template to use (out of 4).
Step 3: Select Image to upload or use your current timeline cover.
Step 4: Move the frame to target your cover photo and hit Done.
Step 5: Click Like Button.
Step 6: Download your Cover Photo and use it on your timeline with creative profile pic.

25. Delete All Facebook Messages At Once

Delete All Facebook Messages
Delete All Facebook Messages
Step 1: Download Fast Delete Facebook Messages Chrome Extension. Activate it
Step 2: Go to Facebook’s message Page by visiting
Step 3: You’ll notice a new button named “Delete All”
So, whenever you want to delete all your Facebook Messages, just click this button and it’ll delete all Facebook messages within 2-3 seconds

26. Select / Invite All Friends At Once

Selecting and inviting 1000s of friends available at your Facebook profile to a Fanpage, Event, App can be a tedious task. So, this trick will let you to select all of them instantly.
Facebook Bulk Select
Facebook Bulk Select [Click To Enlarge]
Step 1: Open Invite Friend option’s Pop-Up Window of Event/Page/App on Mozilla Firefox. Step 2: Press Ctrl + Shift + K. This will open Web Console of Firefox.
Step 3: Paste this code at Web Console and hit Enter:
javascript:var x=document.getElementsByTagName(“input”);for(var i=0;i<x.length;i++) {if (x[i].type == ‘checkbox’) {x[i].click();}}; alert(‘Done, all your friends have been selected’)
* Note: All Friends Available in the Current Selection Mode will be selected so use “All Friends” Selection mode.

27. Creating Awesome Photo Collages of Facebook Album Loupe is a amazing online service that lets you to create beautiful photo collages from Facebook Albums. Just Sign-in by connecting your Facebook Account there and it will let you to create beautiful Photo Collages in many shapes from either your or your friend’s photo album.
Loupe: Facebook Album Collage MakerSo friends, I have tried to include all best Facebook Tips and Tricks. If I missed any trick, you can share it on below comment-box. If you really enjoyed the article and found it helpful then please consider sharing it with your friends at Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social Networks.
Thanks..! :-)


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