Most of the calculators unable to calulate Remainder of long division. Today I am going to show you a easy way to Calculate Remainder of Long Division using square-and-multiply algorithm. Consider example as (25) 17 % 77 As we know, 25 17 = 25 16 x 25 1 So we perform steps as follows: 25 1 % 77 = 25 25 2 % 77 = 9 25 4 % 77 = 9 2 % 77 = 4 25 8 % 77 = 4 2 % 77 = 16 25 16 % 77 = 16 2 % 77 =25 Since, 17 = 16 + 1 we stopped after 25 16 % 77 Final computation, ...
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