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Why to use Ubuntu?

On April, 2014 Microsoft ends support for XP. Now it is vulnerable and unsecure to use XP. But, few hundred million people still using XP since they don’t know other options and can’t afford Win 7, 8.0, 8.1., 10 I have one suggestion for such people that is Canonical’s Ubuntu.
Ubuntu is healthy OS which can run very well on old platform i.e. XP-era hardware. Many people don’t like Linux’s (it is kernel from which Ubuntu has been developed) GUI for them I have Ubuntu-Gnome, KDE, Unity, LXDE and many other interfaces. Ubuntu-Gnome’s GUI is better than Windows GUI and more customizable. There are also Ubuntu flavours for education, server, multimedia, etc. Chinese government also developed Kylin OS for whole China from Ubuntu.
You can dual boot your PC with Ubuntu keeping your existing windows.

Followings are some points where Ubuntu beats Windows:

1.      Open source and community:
-                     Ubuntu is free.
-                     If you are in trouble there are many people to help you and by many ways.
2.      Environment:
-                    Somebody says (including me) Ubuntu GUI is more comfortable than Windows.
-                    You can run Windows programs (.exe) on Ubuntu using Wine utility.
3.      Security and Safety:
-                    No Viruses.
-                    Clean system design. It is difficult to create viruses for Linux. 
             Ubuntu has smart user management and user rights. So no one can enter in to your system without your permission.
4.      Programming Platform:
-                   Ubuntu has outstanding support for programming tools.
-                   You can use almost all IDEs on Ubuntu.
       E.g. gedit, SublimeText, Geany etc.
-                    It is easy to compile and execute your code via console.
-                   It is easy to install and configure all types of servers.
      E.g. Apache, MySQL, etc.
5.      Package Support:
-                  Everyone can install Applications via Ubuntu software center or command line.
-                  Everything is file or folder. So, everything is customisable.
6.      Terminal:
-                 On Ubuntu you can do anything via terminal.
      E.g. You can shut down your friends PC also.
-                 You can extend your system’s functionality by writing your own shell scripts.
Ubuntu with pantheon desktop

Are you studying Computer Science and using only Windows, you better just quit Computer Science.


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