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Showing posts from June, 2014

Android L features that Google didn't announce

Android L : Next generation of Google’s android OS got some exciting features like new UI, new notification style, etc. Here are some of the ones Google didn't announce in its three-hour presentation. v   64-bit trusted execution environment v   Activity transitions v   ART [the new app execution environment] v   audio patch panel v   Battery historian v   Battery Saver mode v   BLE central & peripheral modes [Fixing the Android-to-wearables equation] v   Bluetooth 4.1 v   Burst-mode camera APIs v   CardView v   Cast receiver [Android TV and Chromecast related] v   Closed caption v   Color extractor v   Color inversion v   Color space correction v   Do not disturb v   Document-centric multi-tasking [Interesting ...] v   Enterprise v   H.265 [a new format especially for 4K video] v   hardware-assisted hot-word [voice control related] v   Heads-up notifications v   HFP 1.6 SAP [A Bluetooth profile for cars] v   improved AV

Lost In The World Of Linux Commands? Try These 5 Books!

Those familiar with the Command Line in Linux know how powerful it is. However, it's a tough cookie to crack, meaning you really need to know it bit by bit to have your way with it. There are practically countless number of Linux commands. 1. A Practical Guide to Linux Commands, Editors, and Shell Programming This title is 100 percent distribution and release agnostic. Packed with hundreds of high-quality, realistic examples, it presents Linux from the ground up: the clearest explanations and most useful information about everything from filesystems to shells, editors to utilities, and programming tools to regular expressions. 2. The Linux Command Line: A Complete Introduction The Linux Command Line takes you from your very first terminal keystrokes to writing full programs in Bash, the most popular Linux shell. Along the way

Linux & BSD, Are They Any Different? Of Course They Are!

While both Linux and the BSDs appear to be long lost siblings on paper, both being free and open-source, Unix-like, one close look and you'll observe the fine differences. There are quite the many differences between the two, and we have compiled some of the more prominent ones for you here! 1. Linux uses the GNU General Public License (GPL) under which if someone modifies the Linux kernel and distributes it, he/she will have to release the source code for the modifications, unlike BSDs that use the BSD license. If someone modifies the BSD kernel/distribution and distributes it, he/she won’t have to release the source code at all. Rather he/she can release the source code only if he wants to. 2. While the BSD code is not controlled by one individual but a core team that manages the project, Linux on the other hand is mostly maintained and controlled by its creator Linus Torvalds. 3.

Top open source liences

The term Open Source is usually covered by a variety of languages. While many think that open source leaves you code/software without protection, there are many licenses that ensure that this does not happen. Here are the top eight of those licenses. 1. GNU General Public License (GPL) The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works. It is intended to guarantee your freedom to share and change all versions of a program--to make sure it remains free software for all its users. 2. MIT License This license is issues by the Open Source Initiative. The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is a non-profit corporation with global scope formed to educate about and advocate for the benefits of open source and to build bridges among different constituencies in the open source community. 3. Apache License This open source license is granted by the Apache Software Foundation and
What is your dream? How will you achieve it? The first question may be difficult to answer. You may have many dreams. Yet, there must be one that stands out above all that inspires you, energizes you, and empowers you to do everything you can to achieve it. - by John Maxwell....