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Linux & BSD, Are They Any Different? Of Course They Are!

While both Linux and the BSDs appear to be long lost siblings on paper, both being free and open-source, Unix-like, one close look and you'll observe the fine differences. There are quite the many differences between the two, and we have compiled some of the more prominent ones for you here!

Linux, BSD, GPL, BSD kernel/distribution, BSD license, Linus Torvalds, Unix, Linux kernel
1. Linux uses the GNU General Public License (GPL) under which if someone modifies the Linux kernel and distributes it, he/she will have to release the source code for the modifications, unlike BSDs that use the BSD license. If someone modifies the BSD kernel/distribution and distributes it, he/she won’t have to release the source code at all. Rather he/she can release the source code only if he wants to.

2. While the BSD code is not controlled by one individual but a core team that manages the project, Linux on the other hand is mostly maintained and controlled by its creator Linus Torvalds.

3. Both Linux and the BSDs are essentially Unix-like operating systems, however not the same lineage. While Linux was written by Linus Torvalds, BSD or “Berkeley Software Distribution,” was initially a set of modifications to Bell Unix developed at the University of California, Berkeley. On closer look, the BSDs are much more similar to UNIX since they are direct derivatives of traditional UNIX. Linux on the other hand is loosely based on a UNIX derivative called Minix.

4. Linux is technically just the Linux kernel. It is the various Linux distributions that have been assigned to bring together all the software required to create a complete Linux OS. So, basically, if you're looking to install Linux on your PC, you will have to chose among the many Linux distributions first (Ubuntu, Mint, Debian, Fedora etc). BSDs on the other hand are both a kernel and an operating system so that if you install FreeBSD, you just install FreeBSD, you're all set!

5. Since BSDs are developed using the Ports system users installing the same are more into installing from source rather than prepackaged binary packages.

6. BSDs usually don't run a bleeding edge version of anything. Linux, on the other hand, has plenty of distributions that offer bleeding edge packages. What you chose will depend upon your preference at the end of the day.

7. If you're looking to get a new system boasting of all the latest hardware, Linux is the way to go since Linux starts supporting recent hardware much sooner than BSDs. 



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