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Android L features that Google didn't announce

Android L : Next generation of Google’s android OS got some exciting features like new UI, new notification style, etc.

Here are some of the ones Google didn't announce in its three-hour presentation.
v  64-bit trusted execution environment
v  Activity transitions
v  ART [the new app execution environment]
v  audio patch panel
v  Battery historian
v  Battery Saver mode
v  BLE central & peripheral modes [Fixing the Android-to-wearables equation]
v  Bluetooth 4.1
v  Burst-mode camera APIs
v  CardView
v  Cast receiver [Android TV and Chromecast related]
v  Closed caption
v  Color extractor
v  Color inversion
v  Color space correction
v  Do not disturb
v  Document-centric multi-tasking [Interesting ...]
v  Enterprise
v  H.265 [a new format especially for 4K video]
v  hardware-assisted hot-word [voice control related]
v  Heads-up notifications
v  HFP 1.6 SAP [A Bluetooth profile for cars]
v  improved AV sync
v  Improved battery stats, predicted time remaining
v  Improved game controller support
v  Improved text rendering
v  JobScheduler
v  Lock to app APIs
v  Lockscreen notifications
v  Low latency audio recording
v  Map Email [That's probably MAPI, which is Microsoft Outlook email]
v  Material theme
v  multi HFP [So you can have Android in the car *and* a BT headset]
v  Multi-network
v  NDK media APIs
v  New quick settings
v  OpenGL ES 3.1 & Android Extension Pack
v  Path animations
v  Personal unlocking
v  Phone rotation lock
v  RecyclerView
v  Time on lock screen
v  Time to charge
v  TV input framework [key for Android TV]
v  USB audio
v  View elevation
v  View shadows
v  Volte [Voice-over-LTE, a new voice system cell-phone carriers are rolling out]


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